PR & Event Coverage Video For Cape Cod Potato Chips

It is no secret that Cape Cod Potato chips are some of our favorite chips. We also love lobster rolls, so this shoot was right up our alley. I think I nearly ate my weight in lobster rolls. Oh and we turned a pretty great video too that not only highlighted Cape Cod’s sponsorship of the event, but also helped to get the word out about their sweepstakes to win a Cape Cod inspired lobster dinner

We were able to cover the event and quickly turn around a 30-second promotion that was distributed through social media and to news outlets as part of a multimedia news release. This type of quick turn video marketing has some incredible benefits to brands and businesses. Here are three ways that quickly turned videos can highlight your brand:

They make your press release more interesting

A press release is a good way to get out your message, but an engaging video highlighting your brand’s involvement is even better. Whether you are promoting a raffle or making an announcement, a video distributed along with your press release can help to promote your message in a fun way.

They are timely and relevant to your audience

Getting a video created and sent out to the public within a few days (or hours) of your news is a great way to push out timely and relevant information. A quickly turned video becomes part of the ongoing conversation.

They can give character and life to your brand

A simple video can engage your audience in a fun and creative way. Would you rather read that Cape Cod Chips are crunchy and delicious, or is it more convincing to hear someone rave about how delicious they are when paired with a lobster roll? A video can add impact to your message or brand.