Creative Processes with ELM Producer Jessica Baroody-Saada

ELM producer Jessica Baroody-Saada is a master of details. Whether she is preparing thought-provoking interview questions, leading her team through the production process, or organizing a script to fit a client’s vision, Jess leaves no stone unturned.

She views producing like a puzzle — framing a story, gathering information, and filling loose ends to reach a final product that fits her client’s vision. Through each step of the process, she works hard to make sure our work at Early Light Media tells compelling stories cohesively. A video production company based in Baltimore, ELM relies on a strong work ethic from every team member in order to produce thoughtful, human-centered stories. This is Jess’s strength.

If she comes across a creative roadblock, Jess likes to go for a walk to clear her head. She thrives when she feels connected to nature — her favorite place to work is her front porch, where she can hear the birds and insects in the woods surrounding her home. Taking a break from screens is an essential part of the creative process for Jess. But most of her inspiration comes from empathy.

“My mom has always said that everyone has a story, and instilled the value of sympathy and compassion for others,” she says. “That’s always guided my desire to want to know and tell others’ stories, especially powerful ones that give hope and perspective to others.”

Recently, Jess helped tell the story of the Howard County Conservancy’s Youth Climate Institute, a high school program to help students become certified in climate education. She said the work was gratifying because of her passion for climate justice, and her admiration for the students.

“We met so many passionate young people who care about the planet and are actively working on policies and programs to improve the natural environment,” she says. “They made me feel so positive and hopeful for the future.”

Video Producer, Woman, Mom and Baby

Jess doesn’t view herself as a risk-taker. Instead, her success stems from her consistency. She never loses sight of the little details that are essential to video production, and makes our team better as a result. Attention to detail shapes the success of any production, and Jess excels at this. She is relatively new to the ELM team, and says she has grown more comfortable testing creative boundaries the longer she’s worked here.

She says of colleagues: “They encourage me to be more creative, so it’s me taking a risk in stepping outside of my professional comfort zone.”